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Yeach, the Struggle Currently Begin


12 09 08
I think I must again my self to press my confidence that I can to conquer the business of Internet.
Although I haven’t the facility to perform that’s business, but I perceive that “There’s a will, there’s a way”
Never think about the failure, because we have the limited to reach the destination, I realize that the man is not almighty with our future. Although I convinced that the result is equivalents with our effort, so what will we do is result for our behavior in last time.
I think everything is will be to reality if we want, yeach, how long our effort to reach something, yeach, I convinced that the God never blind, God never deaf about his slave.
I have a question.
Is the man has planned by God to perform the activities every day?
Maybe the god will change the fate of the man?
Yeach, I think that question is answerable, because I see

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