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27 09 2008
My trap loose by time
I don’t know what will be happen in the future
I fell, I only feel
This life is full of suffering and struggle
Yeach, Life is struggle
Now, I convince that the life is the adventures
That the life is struggle
That the life is giving something to others with smile
The honesty

Yeach, let’s imagine how awful our self to face the life, how awful our power to face the struggle of life, are you ready to receive all risk what will happen to you, are you ready to receive the reality that your life is not beautiful as the people felt?

Could you to receive your self if once day, the happiness lost from your life and replace with the suffering? That’s question has realizing our soul to rethink about our purpose life in this world.

Only with the honesty and sincerely which sourcing in your lord you can do anything.

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1 komentar:
Anonim mengatakan...
2 November 2008 pukul 18.23  

well,nice to meet you..! ^.^

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